Pleuronectes platessa - Iceland Grounds (Division 27.5.a) - Icelandic Directo...
Short Name: European plaice | Icelandic | Iceland | Iceland | Danish seines - Plaice - Iceland grounds GRSF Semantic Identifier:... -
Platycephalus richardsoni - Tiger flathead Southeast Australia Stock Assessme...
Short Name: Tiger flathead | Southeastern Australia | Scalefish Fishery | Australia | Danish seines - Tiger flathead Southeast Australia GRSF Semantic Identifier:... -
Pleuronectes platessa - East of Gotland or Gulf of Riga (Subdivision 27.3.d.2...
Short Name: European plaice | Baltic Sea | EU 22-32 | Denmark | Danish seines - Plaice - Baltic Sea (excluding the Sound and Belt Sea) GRSF Semantic Identifier:... -
Zeus faber - GRSF NZL-JDO1bop - New Zealand Ministry for Primary Industries -...
Short Name: John dory | Bay of Plenty | North-east JDO 1 | New Zealand | Danish seines - John dory - Bay of Plenty GRSF Semantic Identifier:... -
Glyptocephalus cynoglossus - Iceland - Icelandic Directorate of Fisheries - I...
Short Name: Witch flounder | Icelandic | Iceland | Iceland | Danish seines - Witch flounder - Icelandic GRSF Semantic Identifier:... -
Pleuronectes platessa - Eastern English Channel (Division 27.7.d) - European ...
Short Name: European plaice | Eastern English Channel | EU / UK 7de | United Kingdom | Danish seines - Plaice - Eastern English Channel GRSF Semantic Identifier:... -
Platycephalus richardsoni - Tiger flathead Southeast Australia Stock Assessme...
Short Name: Tiger flathead | Southeastern Australia | Ocean Trawl Fishery | Australia | Danish seines - Tiger flathead Southeast Australia GRSF Semantic Identifier:...